Grasshopper on display - banner image

Welcome to the world of edible insects


Girl holding up a barbell
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Looking for extra gains? Try insects.
Comfort food mac and cheese straight from the oven with a salad on the side
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Roasted Mac and Mealworm
Locusts in your noodles? Singapore approves 16 insect species as food
News item image
Locusts in your noodles? Singapore approves 16 insect species as food


Grasshopper ready to be grinded

Some simple tips and tricks to always get your favorite insects cooked to perfection

A Beginner's Guide to cooking with insects

Grasshopper ready to be grinded

A Beginner's Guide to cooking with insects

Home workout equipment and some Sens Serious Bars

Tested: SENS Serious Cricket Protein Bars

Spaghetti Bolognese with the sauce from Imago Insects

Tested: Cricket Bolognese

Differently cooked oysters on a rectangular plate

Delicacies that were once taboo

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